Internships give you a great insight on what it really means to become a Marine Biologist. Gifting you with the hands on experience of working in field, and learning about specific species. Take a look at some of my experience.
Ocean Connectors, San Diego, CA
Ocean Connectors spread awareness of our oceans and coastlines to the youth of San Diego. Running educational classes and Eco tours to help the youth learn both in class and in field.
More to come.
South African Shark Conservancy
In the summer of 2019 I had the opportunity to join the team of SASC (South African Shark Conservancy) as their intern. There I worked with other interns and Marine Biologists on developing Elasmobranch research techniques gaining lab and field experience. Within my internship at SASC I participated in public speaking and outreach, estuary monitoring, shark handling and tagging, maintaining the salt water tanks, BRUV (Baited Remote Underwater Video) deployment and statistic analysis, forming a 20 page scientific paper on our research, and more. If you're interested in learning more about SASC and what they do click here.